OnTalent cares about your privacy and is committed to processing your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988, Australian Data Protection Regulations and the highest standards of fair information practices.
Personal information is any information or an opinion (whether true or not) about you. It may range from the very sensitive (e.g. medical history or condition) to the everyday (e.g. address and phone number). It would include career development data, aptitude test results, the opinions of others about your work performance (whether true or not), your work experience and qualifications, and other information obtained by us in connection with your possible work placements and career development. Personal information includes sensitive information.
Sensitive information is a special category of personal information. It is information or opinion about your:
In accordance with other laws such as Anti-Discrimination, we will only seek to collect sensitive information (for example health information or information about your racial or ethnic origin or any criminal record), if in our view it is necessary for our business purposes, and for the inherent requirements of a position or participation in a career programme.
Sensitive information can, in most cases, only be disclosed with your consent.
Your personal and sensitive information will be collected by OnTalent for its own use, to assist OnTalent in determining suitability for placements and to assist with career development.
We do not collect or use personal information for the purposes of unlawful discrimination. We do not collect personal information just because we think it could be useful at some future stage if we have no present need for it. We do not routinely conduct criminal history checks and only do so in order to obtain relevant criminal history with regard to particular jobs you are offered or for which you are short listed.
If you only browse our website, we do not collect information that identifies you personally, though we may collect information related to your visit to our website.
Personal and sensitive information will be collected from you directly when you submit a registration form or submit material online and during telephone conversations.
Personal and sensitive information will also be collected when:
Your personal and sensitive information may be used in connection with:
Your personal information may be transferred outside of Australia. In each case, OnTalent has taken steps to ensure that all information transferred receives an adequate level of data protection.
Some of your personal information is likely to be disclosed to overseas recipients. We cannot guarantee that any recipient of your personal information will protect it to the standard to which it ought to be protected. The costs and difficulties of enforcement of privacy rights in foreign jurisdictions and the impracticability of attempting to enforce such rights in some jurisdictions will mean that in some instances, we will need to seek your consent to disclosure.
Subject to some exceptions which are set out in the National Privacy Principles (Principle 6 – Access and Correction), you have a right to see and have a copy of personal and sensitive information about you that we hold.
If you are able to establish that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is not accurate, complete and up-to-date, we will take reasonable steps to correct it so that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
If we are unable to agree that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date, you may ask us to place with the information a statement by you that claims that particular information is not accurate, complete and up-to-date.
If you wish to exercise your rights of access and correction, please contact the Data Privacy Officer using the details provided. In some cases we may impose a moderate charge for providing access to personal or sensitive information. We will not charge you simply because you lodge a request for access.
Some of your personal information may be held on portable devices such as mobile phones, laptop computers or in diaries operated and held by our staff members. All devices are encrypted with password protection and company policy mandates that devices be locked when staff are away from the device.
OnTalent utilise virus protection and firewall technology to protect sensitive data. The suppliers and partners chosen by OnTalent to assist with protection of data must supply their data protection policy and data breach response policy to ensure the highest level of care is taken to protect sensitive data.
We conduct transactions electronically as well as in hard copy and by face to face measures. It is important that you understand that there are risks associated with the use of electronic technologies and the use of the internet and we will take all appropriate steps to protect your personal information.
We will store your personal information for a reasonable period of time necessary for us to provide services to you. At any time at your request, we will destroy your personal information. We will do this for any lawful request.
We will keep your information in a secure environment.
Any instances of data being accessed intentionally or accidently by unauthorised persons, is reported and recorded through the incident register.
Incidents will be assessed to ascertain the severity and if a breach of eligible status has occurred, notifications will be sent to relevant parties advising details of the breach and the breach will be reported to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), in accordance with data protection regulations.
Immediate action will be taken to remedy the environment which facilitated the breach to reduce the risk of any further breaches.
If you wish to contact us about your personal information you should contact us on 07 3305 5800 during normal office hours which are 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday or email [email protected].
Our clients love the fact that we always take the time to understand their needs, communicate and work professionally with individual treatment. We are so proud of the relationships we have developed with our client partners and we are always happy to provide detailed references or case studies on the successful projects we have completed with them. Due to the nature of the work we do, some of our clients must remain confidential, but here’s what some of our clients have to say.
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