How to Manage Redundancies and/or Organisational Restructures Effectively

Person handing in a redundancy note to demonstrate redundancies.

When a Board and/or a senior leadership team make the decision to downsize their workforce or restructure the organisation, whilst we know it is a business decision, the lives and careers of people can be changed forever. Having experienced redundancy myself, I can say with certainty that it is not a pleasant experience.  It is […]

Outplacement Resources for Candidates

blocks of text when thinking about outplacement support

A Setback is a Setup for Comeback. Have you ever heard the saying, “A setback is a setup for comeback”?  At OnTalent we truly love this saying.  For our clients and candidates experiencing redundancy due to workforce restructures, these few words are true motivations. Going through a redundancy is tough.  Even if you choose to […]

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