Leadership Development and the Crucial Role of Self-Awareness
In the realm of leadership development, amidst the ever-shifting landscape of organisational demands and industry trends, one trait reigns supreme:
It’s often hard to work out where to begin when it comes to contacts. If you’re overwhelmed by your LinkedIn list for instance, we find it’s best to be systematic and have put together a calendar of tasks to get you on track next month.
A good way to start is to use an A,B,C method. In a spreadsheet, your ‘A’ column includes all those people you know or know of personally / professionally, that could influence you getting a job, ‘B’ are your maybes and a little further removed in your network, and ‘C’ you’ve likely never met or are too far removed from your next role to warrant contacting. Then reach out starting with you’re ‘A’ group! Remember networking is about reciprocity – what we can do to help each other – who do you know that could help you? Connecting with purpose – remember to do your research on each person prior to calling and have your purpose well thought out and ready to go.
In the realm of leadership development, amidst the ever-shifting landscape of organisational demands and industry trends, one trait reigns supreme:
The end of the year often marks a period of reflection, celebration, and planning. It’s a time when businesses evaluate
In today’s fast-paced digital age, remote work has become a prominent aspect of our professional lives. The convenience, flexibility, and